마레눈나 3주년 축하해요!!!!!!!

8 28


48 153

Commission) 소신발언
thanks for your support!!!

4 20

구독자 10만명 축하드립니다‼️🥳🎉🎉

8 49

Happy Halloween! 🎃 Here's most of the art I drew did for the little parody mini-RPG~ Added a couple more Vanta faces, our narrator, and a special guest 😂
Hope everyone's who's played it so far had fun with it!

167 990

the art since twitter's video upload quality is how it is 😭

55 421

👑 "¿Estás bien?¿Te duele alguna otra parte?¿Necesitas hielo?¿Agua?¿Puedes respirar bien?¿Te sientes mareado?"

⚫👑 "Dime su nombre y lo haré sufrir lenta y dolorosamente hasta que me suplique-"

🦁 "Ah, me temo que eso no podrá pasar, Zio. Lo siento~"

👑 "Tch!"

0 0


174 826


18 85

This was the first thing I saw when I woke up this morning and opened YouTube LMAO

177 1869