Lesson 7: strange things happen in nature. Starfish arms grow back, fiddler crabs play a jig to attract a mate and water lilies can grow big enough for a child to sit on. Just some of the facts explored in Explaining the natural world by https://t.co/MM6q33wRcA

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Lesson 5: take children seriously. books didn’t shy away from tricky subjects: from engineering to aeronautics, her team used the latest scientific research to deliver accurate facts to young learners without dumbing anything down. https://t.co/MM6q33wRcA

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Lesson 4: Neurath didn’t let stereotypical gender roles get in the way of what she wanted to achieve. She led in the fields of science, graphic design and publishing, all male-dominated industries in the mid-20th century – and today. https://t.co/MM6q33wRcA

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Drop by the gallery sharpish to see how transformed complex science into striking infographics to be easily understood by those of all ages. The exhibition closes next Sunday so don’t miss out! https://t.co/MM6q33wRcA

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Rediscover your love for ’s whimsical drawings at our exhibition. Tickets include access to our other current exhibitions: and https://t.co/tux9NJRD2l

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Take a walk down memory lane this weekend as you admire ’s joyous illustrations in his signature inky style at our exhibition https://t.co/tux9NJRD2l While you’re here, check out our other current exhibitions: and

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The weekend is almost here! Visit House of Illustration for a trio of exhibitions featuring mid-century designs, witty comics and ’s imaginative illustrations https://t.co/DCpTJDn2Uw

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Usher in August with an evening of art at our coming up in just two days. Enjoy and after hours, all for a fiver https://t.co/4cAnyq6Kd4

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Visit our exhibition this weekend to learn all about her career as a newspaper cartoonist, illustrator and graphic novelist. Tickets include entry into all our galleries, so check out our and exhibitions too https://t.co/5qUgfZQgu9

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Our Women in Print Study Day will delve into the fascinating world of and her contemporaries, whose pioneering information design revolutionised children’s education. Get stuck in with the experts – book now https://t.co/IqrW8mAURR

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