This one is symbolic to me.
It was painting I was struggling to complete for 2 years, being under crippling depression.
Finishing, among with discovering Warframe, was path to healing.
Finished (2017) vs sketch (2015).

4 10


25 67

6/9 まりメラ出逢い記念日おめでとうーーーーーー!!!!!!!

91 165

Before I settled down in comfort of markers/watercolor, I explored lots of tools. This endless search of perfect material concluded in my relatively doable skills w soft pencils, inks & acrylics.
Most favorite subject were ofc them.

3 7

Do you guys have art which became not just a breakthrough, but something you keep looking to capture years after it was finished? This is mine.
Maybe because it's best portrait of Melan I did. Ever. (Diamond Winter version, though)

6 20

It's been mere months since I did this one, but I already wonder how 2020 version will turn out. It's also my favorite way to track changes of style.

Sigh. I am just in love from how they love each other. Up to this day.

3 17

Somebody liked my old Brigadoon OC, so I had to redraw her.

0 3

Brigadoon: Diamond Winter AU, third piece!
Descent of two souls right in the heart of mourn.

2 5




167 231

今日はまりメラBlu-ray BOX発売から1周年!!!!

73 139


13 36


0 0


71 116