- Resident Evil 4

Well, what can I say. Everyone and their grandparents know that this is considered a masterpiece and I'm totally on board with that. It's such a replayable and fun game that's so simplistic on surface level but really deep if you get into it

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- Devil May Cry 5

Loved everything about this one. It was the game I was waiting for since I finished DMC4 and it delivered on all fronts for me. I don't even mind V all that much. Getting the platinum in this game felt rewarding as fuck.

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- The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

This game put open world exploration on another level and the way it encourages players to get creative in enemy encounters and dungeons is great. This is just a huge playground with infinite possibilites.

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- Suikoden 2

The fact that I'm putting this so high despite playing it like 15 years after release just shows how well this game holds up. The way this game tells it's story and how it all comes together at the end is amazing.

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- Fate/Stay Night

It boggles my mind that this game still isn't localized. Fate is such a huge and popular franchise. Tons of games and series have been translated, some even in German, yet the original VN still isn't available? It's weird.

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- Danganronpa Trilogy

I like all of these games a lot for different reasons, so I figured it would be fair to let them share a spot. If I had to choose, V3 would probably be my fav, but I enjoyed them all.

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- Mirror's Edge

Right on the "edge" of my list I'm starting of with this title... I really enjoyed this one. I more or less randomly rented it in the video store and beat it in two days, but the clean looks, fun gameplay and soundtrack stuck with me.

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