last month, i had the chance to work on the anniversary season of Clash Royale, here is the loading screen i drew! (rough composition by Anne Marmion)

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Hi there! I'm Shard, and I make the following comics!
🌌Interplanetary Shadows🌠: A high fantasy space adventure (Mon)
🏙️Lis Point🌃: A sprite comic about the titular city and those who live in it (Thurs, Sun)
👧🏾Marmion Grenado🦡: A CYOA set in the Middle Ground (Fri)

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Définir la "connerie", une entreprise pluri-disciplinaire. Quand philosophes, psychologues et spécialistes des biais cognitifs se penchent sur un concept très populaire, mais peu étudié.
réf. à Jean-François

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