Sepals Beham, 1546/47: The Peasants' Festival and Twelve Months

November ‘Martin Wintermonth’ [Martinmas]
December ‘Nicholas Christmonth’ [Christmas]

(British Museum)

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Martinmas (11th November) is a key date in predicting the arrival of winter. Good weather after this date heralds a bad and long winter, whereas bad weather brings the opposite. Oh and a lot of ducks are mentioned. (source: project Britain folklore Calendar)

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Today I was going to do something special for Martinmas; my favourite of the days of obligation. It is the true start of the Fallow Season, the time when shades grow restless. The jealous dead are ready to come forth, but are you ready to receive them?

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We chose 11th Nov as it is the old European Martinmas festival, and a few days before the start of Diwali. 12th is publication day for The Lightbringers which is a retelling of old folkloric tales about those who keep the light safe in the dark months - the whole story feels apt!

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🏮✨Lantern-Light Night✨🏮
Have fun making your lantern and join us for a Gathering of The Light on 11th Nov; this is Martinmas, the Light Festival of the old European calendar and a few days before Diwali, Indian Festival of Light.

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Find out how our ancestors would have celebrated special days including Plough Monday, May Day and Martinmas (image copyright Tuck DB Postcards)

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