🔴 De à Woke : une brève histoire du marxisme culturel - les racines marxistes de la théorie queer et l'agenda néo-marxiste de l'#ONU et du Forum économique mondial.(#WEF)

📍L'auteur James Lindsay a récemment donné une conférence qui a suscité beaucoup d'intérêt en… https://t.co/NGQeoiYy83

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Marxista promedio en San Valentín ser como:

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I'm well past taking Anarchists or Marxists seriously who believe in spontaneous revolution as possible, or desirable. There hasn't been a successful **proletarian** revolution that wasn't the result of strong political formations putting plans into action at critical moments.

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Happy Marxist Looter Kangz Day!

136 3158

Tohle jsem ja potom co jsem zjistil ze mi Musk vzal nekromarxistu a krejzinku z me oblibene silly goofy modre aplikace

3 27

I prefer the Marxist option of Horde Chess.

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1940, the exiled Russian revolutionary Leon Trotsky, Marxist theorist and former Red Army head, was assassinated in Mexico by an agent of Stalin. In this work, they are depicted as bloody snakes, battling for eggs symbolizing the future of communism.

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I pray that in five years this country is turned in the other direction, and we will have defeated the globalist/Marxists agenda! I know it won’t be easy getting there, and it will be a battle defeating them. We must keep our freedom for our grandkids future.

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Sorry, folks. This is how MAGA people actually look when they see 'Marxist-Leninist/Mechatankie/USSR/Trump2024 🦍☀️' in a twitter bio: https://t.co/Y9dBGyCtjT

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This is how today's Republican party sees and talks about ((("Democrat/Marxist/George Soros/supporters"))).

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“Trust fund Marxists?” I’m thinking Marxists would not be fond of holding onto a trust fund as part of the wealthy aristocracy. And Marxists tend to be hyper focused on the problems of the working class, aren’t they?

Marco needs to check his references. https://t.co/khzX9FbpoW

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Simplifying the stats in my chat game...
also maybe letting some Marxist views slip in....

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🌈#PortfolioDay hiatus edition~! I'm Sacha/Kopronimo, a Brussels, Belgium based art school dropout committing illegal practice of cartoonism, illustration and graphic design.

I'm currently busy scripting what's essentially post-apocalyptic marxist x-men and curing my burnout 🕺

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She’s “literally a Marxist”. If we can have journalists from GBeebies and BBC news, BBC politics, and BBC QT sharing their opinions and feelings, why fear those of an independent leftist YouTube channel? It’s like straining a flea and swallowing a camel.

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Ah, some variants of it's still used in Chinese Communist Party rites and rituals. Here's a museum piece from 1961. I've heard "Japan had them", maybe it was a marxist organization?

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Happy birthday to Karl Marx!
Visit Marxist Books for a wide selection of works by Marx or about the ideas of the founder of scientific socialism; ideas that only become more relevant and necessary each day.

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Me encargaron hacer un estudio sobre el Elitismo en la uni, y estoy encontrando que los Elitistas le tiran mucho bardo a los Marxistas... me pregunto por qué será

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Teenage Marxist Ninja turtles 🐢

Don’t lose your fighting spirit


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