I'm well past taking Anarchists or Marxists seriously who believe in spontaneous revolution as possible, or desirable. There hasn't been a successful **proletarian** revolution that wasn't the result of strong political formations putting plans into action at critical moments.

9 51

I pray that in five years this country is turned in the other direction, and we will have defeated the globalist/Marxists agenda! I know it won’t be easy getting there, and it will be a battle defeating them. We must keep our freedom for our grandkids future.

25 39

“Trust fund Marxists?” I’m thinking Marxists would not be fond of holding onto a trust fund as part of the wealthy aristocracy. And Marxists tend to be hyper focused on the problems of the working class, aren’t they?

Marco needs to check his references. https://t.co/khzX9FbpoW

1 2

Agree. The SJWs and Woke Marxists are attacking innocent Truckers who worked very hard to bring supplies for survival. In other word, they'll be more inflation after this cringeworthy political cartoon. Accept to my sources, we're done with economics collapse. 👽🖖🛸🇺🇲

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unironically sharia law Islamic Marxists rise up https://t.co/pEBMslJO7Y

0 1

Ah I see the coping maga creator is back, or atleast one. The others probably still in cope

Hey while your jerking of a filthy fucking commie edit, here's what marx probably would say because he was very antisemitic

I hate Marxists

7 82

Hobsbawm at the Margins https://t.co/NZGCjzc3LK Eric Hobsbawm chronicled how socialist breakthroughs in the Global South had deep impacts on the thinking of Marxists in the West

2 1


There's a price to be paid for turning over your children to leftist teachers and professors

Your brainwashed children can't even reason on their own anymore

and want the whole world to share the gutter

0 1


National Ignorance Day: Marxists Teaching Your Kids To Be Socialists!

The National Day of Ignorance

Know nothing

Do nothing

Say nothing

Wake me for the march to ban FGM

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Evolution of Bolshevik / ( Cheka ) My Communist-Chan Meme OC from 2012 - I drew this back when i was a huge Union fan. She is also a character in Smol Soldiers Comic i'm working on.

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