Final colors for the "Stump Spider" drawn for Mashaween Day 26 "Dead Tree". Spider + dead tree.

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Behold! The mighty, magical ministry of the "Cauldropus"! Drawn for Friday Mash Challenge. FMC 2022 No. 35 - Octopus + Cauldron.

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Have you ever seen a happier Komodo Dragon Fruit? 😃🦎🐉🥝

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Happy 🐢💕
I made turtle on stream today!
Burtle (bunny + turtle)
Wortle Tuffalo (water bufalo + turtle)
Foxtle (fox + turtle)
Jaguartoise (jaguar + tortoise)

I love this turtle universe 🥰🥰🥰

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For we added shark and then the wheel landed on Dunsparce the

Such a happy bean 🥰
Don't forget that for you have the week to make your own version!
Can't wait to see everyone's

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This is the Spiker and, not to be overdramatic, but I would die for them.
Idk how snake and spider became cute, but stranger things have happened in the universe 😅

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Pandapus dropping in to wish you a very Happy National Panda Day!! 🐼🎍💕

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LAMPLION (sea lion + lamprey)
We all now collectively have to go to therapy after this 😂

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The Mashable of the Month (voted exclusively by Patrons) is the adorable Raccadillo (raccoon + armadillo)!
The Pin of the Month is the Tricatatops (triceratops + cat)👀

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Porcuswine! Pig + Porcupine

This little bean was an absolute joy to create. I couldn't stop giggling the entire time making them 😂

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First rendition of the Froogie was a bit... rough. But true fashion we

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Gnarger lore: Solitary most of their lives, they pop up when travelers are lost/need some guidance. Though they are almost always docile, they DO have teeth like a tiger & that horn is no joke! So make sure to offer them a gift lest you find yourself nibbled or poked!

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Happy Thanksgiving from the Turducken Mashable!

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Yay for all the animals and animal artists!! 😊🥰💕#AnimalArtistsUnite

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🎶I can show you the pooooots🎶
Yesterday's was so funny!!
Skunk + Enchanted Carpet + Meatball

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Cownt Moocula is ready for spooky season

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Wishing all you Mashies out there a rootin' tootin' weekend!

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Fox + Jelly Fish + Cheshire Cat = a terrifying 😅
One of my first in a while that I didn't add the circle background. How do you like it?

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Here is my Mashable challenge this week :) Lobster, hedgehog, bunny

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