two more print compositions! including a masquerada one, bc that's still my favorite game ever, and a p4 one which had been hiding from the other p4 files lol

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Warm those bones with up to 𝟱𝟬% 𝗼𝗳𝗳 three of our games in the Winter Sale!

❄️#VA11HALLA from :
❄️Masquerada: Songs and Shadows from :
❄️YIIK from :

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they share a VA but also.... Hubert as The Bloodless just makes sense!! (play masquerada!!)

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Another summer, another chance to give the gift of our tactical RPG Masquerada at 50% off on . 🎭

BTW, you can now tag our game with the LGBTQ+ user-defined tag. This'll help us get more visibility with folks who might deeply connect with the messages of Masquerada!

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If you're a big RPG fan, but have been thirsting for something with a different look and feel, as well as a story full of intrigue, you should check out on

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I decided to start on a cosplay of Amadea from Masquerada! 😀 this will be my progress thread 👍

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SOON, Masquerada: Songs and Shadows Will be released on PS4 and NG+ for Steam! Please support and play this game! ✦

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The Steam Summer Sale's here! Ages guard our wallets and help us focus on good deals, like Masquerada for 25% off!

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some little chibis i did in response to a sweet message - i feel like kalden would get along with all the astiguary cats. ;v;

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i loved and i love these guys and i want them to love each other so i fired up me tablet

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"Masquerada: A Story-Based Tactical RPG in Dragon Age's Off-Season" -

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