🖤 SS Cynthia Renegade | 🖤
4 pulls and I got her... I really love her design

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I really wanted to draw you something nice for your B-Day, so I decided on Ingo in his Butler Costume from ! I hope you enjoy this! 💙

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sygna slut sorry i mean slut SORRY I MEAN SLUT SORRY I MEAN SLUT SORRY
and for good measure because the tag is funny asf

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if there’s one thing pokémonmastersex is really REALLY good at, it’s 3d models for the human characters. not a single one looks uncanny and they all look exactly like their 2d art, it’s really impressive

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steven got his 7th pair and it's another special costume

10 20

⚠️ ¡#PokemonMastersEX se actualiza!

ℹ️ Resumen Versión 2.31.0.
🔶 Máximo disponible en el Salón de Entrenadores a partir del 31/03/2032.
🔸 Se puede invitar tras haber formado equipo con Metagross.
🔶 Reclutamiento de Máximo y Metagross 5* del 1/04 - 1/05.

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EX di Gloria e Zacian ottenuto. Le due foto ora hanno l'effetto olografico. In più le ho messo anche quest'abito perché non è male c:

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I love how 3 of the special costume alts look like they're perfectly suited for a detective-themed event, and then there's just Lyra here dressing up like a Team Rocket Grunt that doesn't mesh with the others, but it's a neat reference anyways!

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¡VAMOOOOOOOOOS! ¡Otra más para el team malvado!! https://t.co/tEOVguQTyn

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Platino ottenuto e con una Caramella Aiutante ho potuto avere anche la cornice d'oro di Camilla c:

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Bueno gente, vamos al directo, toca élite y charla pre-actualización!

¡ENTRA YA! - https://t.co/JqJC3xUZNw

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My prediction for the 2 other alts for the detective event!

It’s not really a prediction I just wanted an excuse to draw Kahili and Emma in detective outfits

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Bueno gente, tenemos nueva carta de lo que se viene la próxima semana al juego!


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EX ottenuto, ma le ho lasciato il solito vestito perché questo no, per favore. Giusto la borsa mi piace 😶

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Realmente amo este atuendo de Pokemon MastersEx<3✨
queria dibujar a marshadow pero no sabia donde meterlo sjsjs✏️

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Bede's galarian articuno energy really is just Kuja's alt in Dissidia NT

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I think one of the best Sygna Suit glow up we have is Wally, so here's an art of him 💚💖

Still working up on my colors though 😅

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