Wishing you a crumlush even’up from the Potionary.....

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Brightest and most shindinculous full moon blessings from the Potionary! A few ‘griffles’ from The League of Lid-Curving Witchery!

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Crumlush greetings from Winchett Dale!

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The Cauldron Witch! Wishing you a ‘tzorkly’

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Thank you to everyone who has given our Bicklesprites and other new witchy things a new home, your Blue Moon sprites and other goodies will be on their way to you very soon!

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Saztaculous Saturday greetings from Goole the trefflepugga kraark!

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The Tweazle Pie - possibly the most majickal pastry/tweazle combination ever devised....

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As All Hallows Eve and the 'tzorkly witching hour' grows closer - the creature witches of Winchett Dale begin stiring their majickal broths.... What would you put in yours?

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Wishing you a majickal, mystical Wednesday, good folk.
Here is Arborella, the sprite of Wand Wood, from our illustrated guide to the Majickal Dales 'Upon a Tzorkly Moon' https://t.co/N72N8J8XtJ

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Wishing you a peaceful Sunday or ‘Scruffsday’ as we say in Winchett Dale!

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Wishing you a peaceful Here is - Hope - a new card artwork for ‘The Arboridium’ - coming February 2020!

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Matlock and his dripple out in 'the Potionary' garden this morn'up - wishing you all a most saztaculous, crumlush sun-turn, good folk!

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Interestingly, there's no word for 'work' in Winchett Dale. The closest is 'theralush' - which loosely translates as 'loving to care'. Here's Arborella, sprite of Wand Woods contentedly 'theralushing' the trees around her...

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Wishing you full moon blessings, shindinculous folk... Here Algorin's mother reads the runes and tells of her destiny....

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