I think i speak with everyone when i say

Fuck Matsuro Day 3/3+

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The girl with the blue flower/ matsuro from death/matsuro palette! Game by

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i only found out about this game a week ago but its amazing! The story was so good 💕🤌

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The realization that collecting the death scene are actually very fun heheh( •̀ ᗜ •́ )

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MatsurosoftieMatsurosoftieMatsurosoftieMatsuro softieMatsurosoftieMatsuro sof-
(this concept that literally brought up has been stuck inside my mind now for awhile Hel)

Original matsuro softie concept by: ! (Check them out please I’m begging you-)

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"After this job...
After this job is over, I wish to continue painting you.
Posing on backdrops of fields, streams, coasts.
I want to paint you and no other.

who shine so gloriously in the setting sun"

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Just some little art for the little tree queen~
Base concept from the Nolia Gregory Love pic by @/matsuromeru

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Happy Birthday Matsuro san
I wish you meet someone that you love and love you too.
wish someone that who can fill your hearth once again !!
Good luck

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Queer ass. I wanted to show off my LGBT headcanons for her (matsuro/death palette by: )

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make these a long time ago,need to improve more!!

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Hello! I'm Alus! I'm genderfluid lesbian artist!. I like toh, omori, blue period, Matsuro palette, and so much more!

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Rewatching Bakumatsu Rock and I remembered how much I love Katsura. He's such a cutie!

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