glaube das ist mein erster Art Post. Naja hoffe es gefällt euch ^^. Habe es während Stream gemalt

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Kommt gut durch den glitschigen und ungemütlichen Teil des Herbstes! Passt auf eure Knochen auf, haltet zueinander den nötigen Abstand, tragt in der Grippesaison - unabhängig von Corona - an Kontaktorten korrekt ne Maske, wascht Hände und, btw., Impfungen sind nice!🍂

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Hellloooo! I love birbs and foxes and mice and all things living and cute. So here's my in watercolour.
Find more mice here:
more foxes here:
more birbs here:

5 16

"Gods of the woods wear - often - a crown
And when they come closer they slowly bow down
To listen to what a mouse has to say.

(To find one just follow a will-o'-wisp's way. ;) )"

at prompt list by

day 22.

5 19

"In beauty lies recreation and rest.
For mice to recover it's truly the best!
So once In a while they hop on their broom
To enjoy a ride through glistening loom."

at prompt list by

Day 11.

3 14

"You can bottle all kinds of potion
A bat taught them how it's done
'Keep the magic in motion
And stir the herbs for the fun!'"

at prompt list by

day 8.

2 10

"I said it before:
Mice are witches
witches are mice
and no they ain't scary
nor dangerous, no nary,
not cruel, no snitches
they truly are nice!

Helping, powerful are witches,
smart 'n' social are mice!"

at prompt list by

day 5.

8 27

"When witches travel at night they prefer
To trust an owl's eyes as their wisdom and flair."

at prompt list by

day 4.

2 9

Die kleinen Küchenmäuse. (Unterschiede in der Farbgebung sind unterschiedlichen Lichtverhältnissen beim Fotografieren geschuldet.)

1 8

Sitting at the campfire the only thing she could brood over was an assumed ghost that killed a human.

Meanwhile a new face appeared in the town. A scarred face. A face all mice knew from wanted posters.

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