Got kept up because Brain Bad but here's another Alice to get some stuff out of my system.
She tends to twirl her hair around her finger when she's thinking about something.

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It's still Valentine's Day here so I can still post this, YEET--

Anyway yes, it my girl Alice. I sketched it out last night and decided to just roughly color/shade it. I like how it turned out.

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I drew this really late last night. Found an old pose sketch I never did anything with, and I turned it into my girl Alice doin some Cool Magic Stuff. I'm really proud of it.
She soft, but she can also wreck you.

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Catch me crying at how it sounds like the seelie calls you "mama" it's too cute for my heart to handle lmao

I couldn't sleep so I drew Zhongli with baby

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Oh yeah, forgot to post this when I drew it. Did a kind of messy sketch and then just colored the sketch, hence why some of the lines look so messy.

I wanna see Zhongli get GENUINELY angry, and I have some Thoughts on how that'd look-

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So, someone in the Genshin server I'm in accidentally gave me the mental image of Diona like. Piggybacking on Zhongli and I decided to try and illustrate it. So have a sketch.

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This was initially drawn in a sketchbook. I took a pic of it and redrew it digitally.

Tiny and cozy Diluc with a glass of grape juice. Because he deserves to be happy and relaxed. 🧡

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Posting this cause I'm... Actually really proud of how it looks-
The image was stuck in my head, so I drew a Rei in sort of Buster-Bros-colored clothing. I dulled the colors so it didn't look TOO bright, and I think it turned out nicely~

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Have one more while I'm sitting here.

I can hear her going "ehehe..."

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Doodles of the old Sanic OC because why not. I'm probably gonna rename her. Still feels trippy drawing her again.

I also put that little chibi in the bottom right on it's own separate image because I like how it looks.

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I was looking through some of my older art from last year, and found some tidbits from when I still drew Rei and Eri a lot. I don't think I ever posted them here.

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Sketched out the pose and then it became a Shuji. He stretch.

I included the variant without the base colors cause I like how it looks. I kinda like this shading style.

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People are posting some of the art they've made this year that they're most proud of, so I may as well join in dhgskjfdf

The piece I did for my friend Aeron, an Erell piece I did, a vent art of my 'sona, and one of my many ReiJaku pieces.

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Gave it a background because Twitter hecked it up-

BUT YES, Eri finished! Might attempt one with Shuji at some point once my hand is. Not exhausted-


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Takes a sketch of one of my HypMic OCs. Decides to use it to try and emulate the artstyle again.

WIP. I will continue lining this when it's not 2 AM, goodnight!

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Oh yeah, I finished this thing. Experimented with how I colored the hair and tried to do some interesting lighting. I'm really happy with this.

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Not an OC, but this outfit SCREAMED Nemu to me. So I drew it.
Mighta gone overboard with the floof.

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Have a couple miscellaneous things of the 'sona. The super happy one was drawn in a fit of sleeplessness, the confused looking one was drawn just for the hell of it.

Then the last one was scribbled after a very in-depth convo about Ibara. He needs many hugs.

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Was messing around with brushes and did this. Have a happy Shuji!

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