McGee daydreams about an alternative ending to Romeo & Juliet after Ellie tells him it's her favourite story in the first episode of our reboot! I needed time for my own artwork as I just haven't been motivated or have the energy to art at all ^^;

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Also just the daydream sequence on it's own cause, them ;w;

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Much needed McGee x Ellie art between comms!

Little does he know he doesn't have to dream forever~~

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This is actually a cleaned up pose for the purpose of getting a 3D print done in the future. I'll be getting both his OG verison and my updated version, or at least that's the plan ;w; But I decided to color and shade this in cause it was too cute not too!

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No,don't believe it cause no it's not happening -w- , but a girl can dream ;w;

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Sadly I feel this is ill timed, but I've been wanting to do a McGee theme picture all month long <3

Ironically used the title of one of the songs from the OG series as the tag line as it fits so well.

Haters gonna hate.

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Them ❤

(Only a matter of time before I drew them as ponies)

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Whoops my hand slipped...
(I'll be adding a bio later..I'm just insanely proud of this)

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