How would a battle between Zenith and Bakugo’s Strafe Panzer be like? — Zenith counters with Trial By Thunder''s formchange.

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Zenith and Storm Wave's various Formchanges.

5 27

a day with garemMchan...

47 365

Something I haven't share for quite awhile.
Silpha🎀 is supposed to have a Shield Formchange also, using it as an umbrella replacement during this instance.

6 16

Her giant fan Formchange is supposed to grow bigger after she ascended.

10 33

"Outfit swap"

Kaela × garemmchan (Mchan)
yes i wanna be different from the others pairing member x member, i paired member x manager🤝

40 329

She has those as her standard armaments.
Her main Formchange however is a gigantic fan that can blow typhoons.

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MMchanさん( )のOCさんを描かせていただきました!

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JK, here are few of Zenith's unique traits.
1. He is associated with the number 3.
2. Zenith rarely uses magic, almost all of his Keychains are physical oriented.
Even his Formchanges are mainly sword-based.
3. Zenith is associated with the lightning steed, Ixion.

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Day 1 - Introduction (cont)
Zenith’s default and final Keyblades respectively are Aero Spark and Storm Wave, imbued with lightning element.
His affinity with the Sword in his Station of Awakening resulted in this Formchange.

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"Oh, I have to ask M-chan the exact coordinate of the snake so that I can finish this mission & go home early!"

with that kind of thought she tried to contact Garemmchan through holograph but failed because she was too far and ended up wide awake until morning...

57 830

I did think if eventually Aiden’s formchange would involve this too.
Both always ended up in a draw whenever they spar.

0 1

Garemmchan teleported Kaela back to the jungle but in wrong coordinate. As she arrived in the jungle, there was an unexpected greetings from unknown creature...

36 381

Kaela arrived at HQ with the help of Garemmchan who teleported her back but...

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as Kaela about to continue her journey Garemmchan contacted Kaela through holograph call and asked Kaela to go back to HQ urgently. Garemmchan immediately teleported Kaela back to HQ (and saved her life from danger)

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she's doing well on her homwork so dun worry mchan u can add more homwork

p.s to some pemaloe, sorry for having hbd everyday

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I almost forgot about this Dual Formchange. Probably the only one and last one?

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