idk who tf took a shit on this shuttle but my fucking god the way we had to smell it the whole way to mco

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Lukisan ni pun dah genap 2 tahun dah. Masa awal awal MCO, tengah explore stippling. Tengah anxiety teruk masatu dan teknik ni macam theraphy sebab buat kita khayal fokus pada benda detail. Lukisan ni masih available, kalau berminat boleh pm tepi eh.

21 58

a bit late but today is the 2nd year anniversary when the first mco started. the current situation do be interesting to say the least. stay safe out there

0 6

MCO group 様(インスタグラム )からのお仕事のご依頼でこちらのラクダのイラストを描かせて頂きました!


1 63

\ラジオ放送 13:00~/


「MCOセミナー・ウインズ 2022」

「近藤芳正 Solo Work 『ナイフ』」


3 11

Hey, so my area has been hit with insane floods.

Donate 7USD or more to MCO 3.0 Groceries Care Pack Distribution at and dm me proof of donation to claim your very own Laozu Chibi!

If you can't donate please RT! 🙏

203 288

\ラジオ放送 13:00~/


今回は、指揮者・#広上淳一 さんをお招きしてお届けするMCO108定期演奏会、俳優・#近藤芳正 さんによる本格的な演技WSなどをご紹介します!


1 4


3 11

MCO期間的趣事 XD

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166 1213

New emotes made by the amazing go live on the channel today in 30 minutes! Come watch us track down a terrorist cell in with Sparky, followed by MCO with at

4 10

MCO this time ruined my mental health, stay safe everyone. Please reach out if you need help.

btw this is my artwork last year.
Blue Sands by 🤍

16 17

So my very first time joining any DTIYS. Nampak sngt try hard x nk lukis org hahaha. Congrats on the 5k. Nak tuntut kopi bukak mco ni dot.

11 55

This was done during the 1st MCO. Back when it shook us when new cases reach 100.

7 21

- Lockdown is not the same for everyone -

hope govt help those in need and hope do their job well too...

MCO 3.0 full lockdown extended for another two weeks

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my mco oc stages from old art to latest. I should draw him more

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This boy has been a good companion to us especially to lift up our mood during mco.

Thank you, Kimi.

Here's you, on the 'baju'.

1 0

My neighbourhood snack/kueh seller: We're still open tomorrow ya, but closed on Monday!
Me: Oh okay, thanks for letting me know!
Seller: Ya la, now MCO and long weekend, what else is there to do but eat when you stay at home??

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