here‘s my entry for ‘s ditys!! congrats on your 400++ folls! :DD

34 94

Joining this one cause the drawing pose is so naturally pretty. Dont think i did it any justice. Hope you like it anyway 💫💫💫

2 9

Sweet summer day.

an entry for :)

ps. baru belajar bikin bg, jd masi blm bagus

19 54

ikutan DTIYS kak hope you like it and congrats for 400 mutuals!! >\\< ✨✨✨✨

2 27

my take on ‘s dtiys!

congrats on your milestone, semoga suka ya! (semangat juga skripsiannya)🤧✨
[ ]

26 75

akhirnya bisa ikut DTIYS nya kak 🌈🌈

Congrats for 400+ followers kak 💖💖🌼

21 61

A quick entry for hosted by ✨✨✨ it was so fun drawing her!! Hope you like it💜

23 91

yeaaay akhirnya aku ikutan dtiys untuk yang pertama kalinya, dtiys punya kak ❣. semoga ka alvi suka 👀💗

btw selamat buat 400+ moots ka alvi ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ~♡

[astagfirullah ulang, tadi salah kirim gambar:(]

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