When you get your mane styled by one of our top-tier barbers, there won't be a hair out of place.

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This lucky lion is usually 'ace' at playing cards, but he gets green with envy when he loses. ♠️

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This lion looks happy with his shiny new Lions Barber token! (Sorry, you'll have to wait for mint day to get your own 😉 ).

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Hard to control, fly-away mane? This lion can deal with any follicle emergency with his high-powered hairspray delivery system!

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This easygoing fellow likes to feel the breeze in his fur - and likes showing off his cool tats, too.

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Kareem was never able to grow a moustache, so he improvises with what he's got. He insists a comb works better - at least he doesn't need to trim it!

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