"Gas giant megafauna, detailed digital art" - made with


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"Gas giant megafauna, detailed digital art" - made with


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So based on the design philosophy of previous starters (fire zodiac, green megafauna, water weapon) we can tell that fuecoco might be a snake, sprigitito could be Diego from the hit movie Ice Age, and for quaxly... the duck foot pistol

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Good morning everyone.
I’m looking for suggestions of kits that I can use as megafauna, to have Titanicus scale knights fighting in a home brew game?
Looking to play the game on a 2’x2’ board or a patrol game size board.
Any ideas welcome.

3 32

“I just wish the world was twice as big and half of it was still unexplored.” - Sir David Attenborough

Just because something's powerful doesn't mean it must be malevolent.

The Megafauna, for the project Liminal Space, drawn by


3 17

LOL I pulled so many bizarre references for this, including but not limited to prehistoric megafauna, certain antelopes, and rare pigeons. Anyway, he is an actual dinosaur in a rainforesty setting and lives near a volcano, eats rocks, and I love him.

10 59

This is a Ghiid, a 5 brained, 12 ft tall megafauna, they speak in a language that consists of loud, morse-code like beeps and as such her true name might be a bit hard to pronounce without the right pipes, but her adopted name is Mass of Adders (or Massive, to friends).

4 9

Bison latifrons era un bovino de la familia de los bisontes, el cual era una especie catalogada como Megafauna, vivió en lo que actualmente es Norteamérica, habitaba desde Alaska hasta México en las praderas y llanuras en la época del Pleistoceno hace 220,000 mil años y se (+)

3 30

Day 17 of is a Tiger! I love drawing and stylising tigers. Bengal tigers are charismatic megafauna, don't you know.

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