The Dirk-toothed Megantereon is usually associated with Pliocene and middle Pleistocene faunal assemblages. A jaw found in the Chadian site of Toros Menalla, dates the origin of Megantereon back to Late Miocene, around 7 Mya.

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Results from the spooky
Hemipristis babies getting expelled too early, Nothrotheriops (mummified), Megantereon (half burned), and a coastal sauropod graveyard.
(repost because one effect took damaged the first piece)

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Imagine trying to sleep in the dark Plio-Pleistocene nights, knowing unseen, silent monsters were prowling about, potentially looking for you :B Dinofelis is popularly imagined as a primate predator, but at least one study found Megantereon was a more frequent hominin hunter.

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And don´t forget there's also a hominin skull from Dmanisi, Georgia, that shows bite marks of a sabercat, likely a Megantereon.

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Lastly, white Homotherium, Megantereon and the Man Eaters of Tsavo.

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Megantereon clutridens.
An unmistakable sabertooth, yet not as bulky and robust as Smilodon. A leopard/jaguar analog. Lithe and agile yet stout and muscular , I agree with your choice for a favorite.

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People often ask me what is my favourite prehistoric animal...well, I suppose I would say Megantereon! I have drawn and painted this sabretoothed cat many times, and often I use a 3D model of the skull as reference to make sure that I stick to its unique morphology

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