Season 3, Episode 7. Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2019).

I thought this was good! The story was petty good. The characters were awesome! I wouldn't mind seeing a sequel to this. 10/10!

0 2

Season 2, Episode 21. The Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye Part 1, 2, 3.

Part 1: This first episode I really enjoyed, it tells us about how the Autobots escaped Cybertron and escaped to Earth. It's a very fun first episode of a much bigger franchise. 10/10!

0 5

Season 2, Episode 18. Cars 2 (2011).

This film is NOT that good. I hate how they changed the whole idea of the "Cars Universe." This felt like a knockoff James Bond film than a film about racing. The actors were pretty good, the overall story was not good. 5/10.

0 10

Season 2, Episode 10. Aquaman (2018).

This film was really epic and I enjoyed it! I loved everything about it! The costumes, the story, the actors! But most importantly, The Fights Scenes. This film has the best fight scenes I've ever seen! 10/10!

3 7

Season 2, Episode 8. Guardians of the Galaxy (2014).

This is one of the greatest marvel films ever made! I still love it too this day. The Acting was awesome, the jokes were hilarious, the setting is beautiful! 10/10! Tomorrow will be GOTG Vol. 2!

0 5