Gracias por los 500 seguidores pequeños conejos :)
muy pronto traire a Chara ya que muchos la an pedido. Por ende esperen a verla :]

7 24

Yep its time while I work on other things, I made into a puppet Digimon and then when it digivolves it becomes Pummelmon an Adult Digimon. These Digimon focus on hand to hand combat and their sharp claws to take down foes or break down stubborn fire walls.

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I just found you yesterday and your art is inspiring! Anyways welcome back! Here's my piece its a digimon peice Pawmimon and Pummelmon. Thank you for sharing!

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Flunky won't share his melmon -w-

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Y bueno, pondría más pero no tengo imágenes de los faltantes, sólo tengo puros dibujos de Tibumon y Sentimelmon cuz es mi digi más apreciado y que ya lleva más de 10 años conmigo :'3
(Dibujo de la etapa baby I de Tibumon para rellenar (???))

4 6

Melmond Reino Grant, The second seat on the Generals of Alterium. He controls the power of the legendary weapon, the Arcanum Deck. His necklace he wears is crafted of Pulsars making it the heaviest item on the planet. Do not piss this one off! More to come from Intertwined!

1 7

No 18: musikalisch/musically

Pauls Onkel Uuuhwe war, wie alle Grummelmonster, ein begnadeter Musiker mit verdammt viel Soul.

Paul's Uncle Gaaarth, like all grumble monsters, was a gifted musician with a hell of a lot of soul.

7 34

my sister is routinely coming to my bedroom to play Right now she's trying to make out of Melmond, but of course she leaves unprepared and is quickly punished, so she sees a lot of GOver screens. Nonetheless we've been having fun together.

It's giving me the gamedev itch..

4 25

SAYOさん がつぶやいていたCARAMELMONDAYのサイトがものすごく個人的に好みでした🥺💕満月が溶けて三日月になるっていうのステキすぎる。12月生まれのロマンチストの琴線に触れまくる🎸

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gute/r Zeichner/in
Bräuchte ein Profilbild ähnlich wie auf dem Bild.
Es sollte ein cuter Boi im blauen Krümmelmonster Anzug sein, welcher gerade ein Cookie isst.
(Ähnlich meinem MC Skin)

Natürlich mit Bezhalung!

(Ein Retweet währe echt Mega <3)

18 31

Even superheroes need to sleep! by Deborah Melmon

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Hold tight! Deborah Melmon's animals go for a hair-raising drive!

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Deborah Melmon's mouse character deals with a medical emergency

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Daffy Duck is my spirit animal. Everyone should be so lucky.

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