Suntan my beloved -#MELTOBER! - day 26 - time skip au

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Time skip
In the second image I wrote some headcanons, sorry if something is misspelled

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Bro sucks at his job💀 at least he has his boyfriend tho -#meltober!- day 23!- hard day!-

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heeee hoooo heee hooo ….

wahooo its day 23 of !!! the prompt was “hard day”

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I did a quick shitty doodle for today because I'm very tired🙃 -#meltober!- day 20- its a long way down...

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do you want to jump?

day 20 of !!!! the prompt is written in the drawing already so im not sayif it again ⛹️‍♀️

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Oh no! All the photos are falling! It's gonna cause such a mess! :/-#meltober!- day 18- Polaroids!-

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heromari real !!!

its day 18 of and the prompt is “polaroids”

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Mari is home!

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wahoooo question time!! whats ur fave song/s from omori ost? i love to talk abt it soso much

day 14 of the prompt is “sinking”

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