Full details on how you can participate will be posted THIS FRIDAY! So stay tuned ✨

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Member Darlene Liszewski enjoys oil painting and works professionally in a nursing home. While her professional life keeps her busy, she strives to share her faith through her artwork and hopes that it can be displayed alongside other artists.

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Liturgical artist and member Nicholas Papas has been producing paintings, murals, mosaics, graphic designs, ceramics, metalwork, woodwork, drawings, prints, and more as a vocational ministry for over 40 years.

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Jim Antonucci is an artist & photographer based in northern New Jersey. He discovered art as a calling in his mid-twenties when photographer Robert Frank’s The Americans gripped his imagination.

See more of Jim's work at https://t.co/J9vcXESLCj

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Lizbeth Savage found a love for fine arts & classical music through her grandmother. She graduated with a degree in K-12 Art Education & helps people find their identity using art therapy.

Learn more about Lizbeth's work at https://t.co/3KKRmSp5x2

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We are starting to see what people are working on at home. has been working on . Go check it out and see this wonderful project!

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