I've posted each day for . Today I'm sharing . This is an account that is friendly and and very supportive of those struggling. Mike and Sox have been real stars for many. Thank you chaps.😺

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If you're struggling, you can't always fix it on your own - please get help - therapy & medication absolutely saved me when I was a bit broken

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Look at the body position of this character. It began with a curl, which she relates to 'mark making'. Seperate it our from drawing, as that brings in ideas of what's good & approval. Mark making is about you and what you want to express.

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Grief has a huge impact on our

It can lead to feelings of & isolation.

So it’s important to talk about our feelings, just like the characters dealing with grief in ‘My Brother Has Cancer’.

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It's so don't forget we have a tagged resource list of relevant comics work here at BF: https://t.co/YuDuLbyzlN (Art below by John Cei Douglas and )

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It's 💛🌻

Let's remember to practice self-love and to seek support when things get overwhelming.

Illustration by Juliane Ferreira. See more of her uplifting portfolio: https://t.co/fF1S5DZN6C

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