I can be yuor angle.. or ur devil 😈

Based off of @/ kamiiemii’s angel devil au! ٩(˃̶͈̀௰˂̶͈́)و
Likes n retweets watch Shrek with me smile
Tags 🏋️‍♂️

18 53

everyone's favorite gamerboy turned druid!!

12 87

another gamerboy cause it seems y'all like him too

130 731

Repaint lol (this is really fun to do when u just wanna see how far uve come)
Feb 23rd 2023 vs Feb 3rd 2021

8 28

Tryna make moves, tryna make moves 🐮🤠

(kimi's half below!!!)

40 302

Buncha little doodles to celebrate the recent uploads 🎉

17 63

Punching artblock in the face rn

happy valentines!1

8 33