I've hijacked and 's booth to sell my merch during 11th Dec 2020 - 3rd Jan 2021!!!

ALSO Free genshin stickers with genshin print purchases!

Do check us out at: https://t.co/U5V36vm6ld


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MERFISHCON IS NOW LIVE!! ✨ From 11-13 December, Keyade and I will be selling prints, charms and stickers!!! The convention is open internationally, and there will be free stickers and charms 😳😳

👉check us out at https://t.co/ixSeYZxUOX !!!!!👈


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Merch Available for Preorder at the MerfishCon booth!
This is just 1 of the 40+ booths that will be at the artist alley at MerfishCon this weekend!

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