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All of our finest ninjas are gathered in this new event: Night, on a Blade's Edge!

Rank to get an exclusive Bright Moon Ninja Frame and Merrymakers Mini-Ninjas!

Don't miss it♪

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At long last, the first information page for the Merrymaker species!

"Beware, if you dare, for Merrymakers are out there!" These dangerous beings can cause a lot of trouble, so the Merrymaker Control Department of Madfall made an information board to help keep you safe!

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A little behind the scenes on week! Before they were Merrymakers, these ladies like to burn things and were called the Clerics. The theme didn't match well with gameplay, so Jamey changed things up. They're happier now.


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Now that the cats out of the bag, its time to share some illustrations! Here are the pretty Merrymakers.


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Day 2: Today Bea & Jules set up merry-making workshops. What should be in a workshop? Bea can give you a list. Jules, not so much. But she has a lot of glitter. and ideas! What do you keep in your

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Meet the head honcho of a gang of clowns, mimes, and cartoony characters
Blitzjack of The MerryMakers

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starts soon! Don't forget when you give. Help us give the gift of music

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