Metacadia, PC/VR/ Mobile VR social crypto/NFT networking Metaverse (in development) in which you can more purchase customizable plots of land, where holders can host a multitude of things: Stores, Events, Ect.

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Metacadia is a social networking VR/PC/Mobile metaverse becoming essentially a linkedin for holders looking to own land in the metaverse. This is your chance to own metaverse land at a low entry, each land will be customizable to the holders liking.

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The first animated plot, super rare. Holders of the plot will get whitelisted for an airdrop of the token on release of the metaverse. Multiplier for the airdrop will be based off how many plots of land you are currently holding.

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How y’all feel about my Metacadia METAVERSE land plots for sale go show some love with a favorite on my newest post 4 of the first 7 have sold at .013 ETH the first 7 shall be tickets to being apart of the council but my newest piece has raised the floor to .025 ETH

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My second Metacadia plot sold so you know it’s time to reveal The Who’s that Pokémon unlockable content that came with his metaverse land 🙌🏽💎🚀 …….. ITS CHARZARD!!

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Just minted this rare 1/1 plot on Opensea minting at .013 ETH, if you looking for a some dope METAVERSE land to own early, each holder will be able to customize their plots freely when the “Metacadia” metaverse releases.

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