cant put the animated stuff/the KB Kollab/the MGFS Kollab/The upcoming [SPOILERS] Kollab but they’re here in spirit… Based 2021

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그리고 저의 Bjjtiger Mgfs100 Green 시리즈들과 그림들을 내일 7월 7일 부터 삼청동 Mgfs100 갤러리 에서 전시를 사작! 전시 오픈날 상주할 예정입니다. * 준비한 모든 Bjjtiger 는 선행 발매후 완판 하였음. 🙇🏻‍♂️🐯

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finished last night and To The Surprise Of Literal No One, daisy is my fave... 😳

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AU where Corivn takes Coffee Dude and runs, ft. a second doodle I did after watching some early boards 👀

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fave screencaps from the latest mgfs ep, thread

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"But what if you ARE the human equivalent of a rotten egg fart? Isn't it better to know?" 🍄 My designs for Mama Mushroom, & concepts for the mushroominations based on 's board drawings, from the recent ep of MGFS! Final 'shroominations were designed by !

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With the premiere of Magical Girl Friendship Squad I can now present a whole bunch of fan art I did way early in production as the episodes come out. I'm starting off with this Corvin I drew for one of our awesome AD's birthday.

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A couple more of my designs from Magical Girl Friendship Squad! This is Nut, a celestial creation goddess who takes the form of a red panda in our world. MGFS premieres this Saturday 9/26 at midnight on !

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