❤ +🔁+ Pic of your character to get a result.

• First impression:
• Would we fuck:
• Rough or soft:
• Would I date you:
• Cuddles after:
• Would I kiss, hypnotise, or eat you:
• Closeness:
• What would you be to me after all is said & done:
| |

9 21

"An insect monster distinguished by the huge scythes equipped on both of its arms Because of how ruthless they appear, they are also called “assassins of the forest,” and are feared."

● (N)sfw Account
● 'Emotionless' Assassin.


55 71

"Let's stop it with the 'Your princess is another castle', hero~
This is the right castle, the princess is right in front of you with a twist. She's the endboss."

>#LewdRP /

Backstory and and a tiny bit of info: https://t.co/VJS5KDNPyn

21 25

>The Queen of Succubi, although she doesn't appear to actually lead them
>A moody woman who lives a carefree life
>No sense of loyalty but respects the Monster Lord's authority

123 199

>The anti-social Slime Queen with the power of a nuclear bomb 💥
>A collective consciousness of 10,000 human and monster spirits held together by her iron will
>Fiercely protective of Slime Girls

77 108

>1/2 Monster, 1/4 Human, 1/4 Angel
>Adores her parents, her father maybe too much
>Her motives are unclear

46 76