This Friday the 13th~ We'll be starting a new story on the >:3

I hope you like going among the mad people, because we're all mad here...

tonight at 5pm cst! See you tonight for a little insanity~

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G’Afternoon! Today we’re going to the zoo. By we, I mean the because we’ll be saving the zoo with Putt-Putt because I love my sister and she paid me to do it :3

See ya’ll at 6pm cst!

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Alrighty, peeps. We’re (finally) gunna slam through Sweetheart’s Castle in tonight at 5pm cst! We got a LOT to do and I suspect we may even get back to Sunny’s story before the stream is done!

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Tonight I get to start the casual run of Kingdom Hearts with the awesome peeps <3 I am excited as HELL!! All in preparation for KH3

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