dropped another Lil’ Pills teaser! How do you like the hoodie gang? Free to mint collection coming for Crypto Pill holders!

12 32

Crypto-Pills. NFT with 504 traits and 37 categories. 5% of initial sale went to medicine for less fortunate children. This project is 🔥. I'm hodling. 3-d file airdrop for pill holders https://t.co/LWKFJPqnXy

18 36

Newest additional to the family! How vibrant is that red! No other NFT like it!

0 3

Easy choice, nft project by a digital animation and vj legend who has worked with eminem and many more

4 11

Most definitely slept on , yet numbers don't lie. Public sale sold in less than 11 mins, front page on opensea past two days, 887eth and counting on secondary. is an OG.

10 28

crypto-pills are moving fast. Each one is unique, if only I had the original pillman.

19 55