Panel 104: Davis is a master of expressions. Dai is smug; Emilia chiding; Micromax the stooge is contrite, Inky up in his grill. Davis deftly paints the supporting cast, using body language to invest them with complex relationships in one incidental panel. -

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Panel 17: I love that the Technet are simultaneously a squad of highly advanced other-dimensional operatives versed in technology beyond our ken, and also lovably bumbling fuckups. So when Micromax is shown up by Ferro², you know he's truly incompetent! -

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Panel 13: Micromax - one of the lesser-known characters with a power many of us would love to have - being able to shrink or grow specific body parts. Gotta assume he’d be popular on tinder. -

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(I never did Gorgon, Micromax or Avalanche)

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BACK DROP BOMB - LIVE DVD『Micromaximum Live - Micromaximum 20th Anniv. - 』2020.05.20 リリース & ライブ映像の一部を期間限定公開(配信期間:4/2~4/12)1stアルバム「Micromaximum」リリース20周年を記念して昨年12/22に行われたライブ映像。

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【LIVEV DVD+ New Single CD 発売決定!】
 DVDは3年ぶりのワンマンとなった昨年10月のWWW X公演の模様と、CDには新曲「Ain’t Nothing」を収録。
Micromaximum 20TH 特設サイト

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