
“Why hello art…where did you come from?” “Well…the Surface of course!!!…It can draw:) “

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muéstrenme los personajes que les gustaría ver en la SUPUESTA secuela de Play Station all Estar

yo empiezo

(si, ya se que Crash ahora le pertenece a microsoft, pero son los personajes que me gustaria ver)

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1 - OignonBoosterpack (Haboo)
2 - The MS Paint Palette (Microsoft)
3 - Palermitan12 (Haboo)
4 - BTSButter9 (Haboo & BTS*)


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Looking to commission some cool character illustration in 2023? 🥳

I've worked with the likes of Nike, Foot Locker, Adobe, Microsoft, Vans and many others to help bring their campaigns to life! 🤘🏻

Get in touch and let's chat! ☎️


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Did I thing with my friends where we personified Microsoft apps as office women 😌✨

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2013 vs 2022

I vividly remember walking 30 minutes to my local library everyday to draw in Microsoft Paint because I didn’t have my own computer at home. I’ve been through SO many stages of digital art since then and I just want to keep getting higher!

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Pacífica y el Tecno (keanu OMG)

Una güila cuyos poderes se manifiestan jugando a la bola y un iron man cuya empresa es literalmente Hyundai, Apple y Microsoft en una sola

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「こいつはいい! まだまだ出せるぞ!(敵弾を)」
Xbox版「Graze Counter GM」は2023年1月19日(木)に にて配信予定!

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The house in the snow and the amongus made in microsoft paint

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An attempt to replicate some photos I took using Microsoft Flight Simulator on Xbox.
The Showcase camera works just like a Photomode.

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hice guapo (casi) al menozide azul de la comiquita de los animalitos de colores q se matan a cada rato

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🚨 Countdown Started 🚨

Last 3 days to mint. Are you ready?

🎁3 Freemint🎁
🎁5 PreAL(0.02ETH)🎁

First NFT project supported by

✅ Enter your Wallet Address on 🎁 channel

Good luck 😉

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初めまして、日本酒好きVtuber の狛犬まつりと申します。普段はMicrosoft、スプラトゥーンを中心にゲーム配信をしています。

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Microsoft Surface GOです



それでは今日も( `・∀・´)ノヨロシクお願いします

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Angels of Death (殺戮の天使, Satsuriku no Tenshi, lit. "Angels of Slaughter") is a Japanese horror adventure game by Hoshikuzu KRNKRN (Makoto Sanada) for Microsoft Windows and Nintendo Switch. It was created using RPG Maker and was originally released as freeware via the Den F

2 18

"Do you ever wonder if it hurts? To have one's soul ripped out like that?"

📸 Rdg_ort (Instagram)

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