Happy Valentines Day!!! Mikan wishes everyone had a fantastic day with their loved ones!
Someone pls spare Mikan a chocolate/hj

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I guess I'll introduce myself too!
My name is Maggie (26yo) and I'm a non-binary Illustrator who loves fantasy✨
My art style is either mysterious-spooky or hardcore pastel, there's no in between!
I love playing D&D, reading books and sewing🪡
My ig handle is mikan_illustration

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I have joined Artfol and I absolutely dig it so far! It's still a little slow but overall it's very promising~
You can find me there as mikan_illustration 🌺✨

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Hello I’m Maggie, a London based digital Illustrator passionate about characters and colour!My dream is to do some comic covers and study VisDev!
🔔Currently available for work

🖍 https://t.co/qfMZoBodye
🎠 ig:mikan_illustration

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