2 queens ready to dominate the music industry 🤟🏻

Late but this was supposed to be for day 5: Goth&Prep and day 6: Album Cover for

(Didn’t realize it was deleted so posting it again)

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day 8: free day!

this is a redraw of a screenshot with me and my friend in vrchat and i wanted to give it to them as a present so i finished it for mikannie week! ^^

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Mikannie Week💖
Day 8: Free day
I'm really gonna miss this!
Thanks to everyone that interected w me this past week!

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Day 6: Jealousy del
Sabemos que Mikasa de por sí es celosa, pero quise cambiar los papeles, siendo Annie la que se ponga celosa al ver a Jean intentar halagar a Mikasa y ella marque su territorio.

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Day 5: Wedding del
Sé que era ayer este tema, pero apenas lo acabé porque tardé más de lo esperado, espero les guste.

7 43