Steamは持っているなら をゲットしなさい!AKIの命令です!w
AKIも描いてくれた!はやいね Σ(;‾□‾!!

drew Aki too, thank you so much!!
Grab the discount or she will let it out on me again @

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is now on all week to celebrate Mikas birthday this monday the 3rd!


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Secret just for Twitter:
will be on sale next week to celebrate Mikas birthday on monday!
(‾b‾) シーッ Mikaの誕生日は近いなので次の月曜日からセールやります!

(Wishlist if you are as forgetful as me | ほしい物リスト)

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Hey you're not Aarel! Some promo art for a fighting game- just kidding! I was listening to Touhou remixes when the pen slipped ;) This is my first drawing 's mikapyon! Using a reference pic of Roll here for the shading and pose

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And another moustache also by lioness131 !

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The last stage in will be a bit special! (・_☆)✨

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"iNside reD and sLimy whiTe and haRd"
「中身はやぱり赤く ヌルヌル 白くてかたかた」
-- Lisa Trevor


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