
残念ながら日本では買えないんですが、#MIKUEXPO2019 in Taiwan に行かれる方は是非😭😭😭✨

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初音ミクブログ更新 【MIKU EXPO】MIKU EXPO 2019 in Taiwan コラボ・イベント情報続々公開♪ https://t.co/OCBaNCYZHU

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4.20~5.11に、 の台湾・香港ライブチケット購入証明やチケットそのものを高雄メトロショップ全店舗で提示し、店内で100台湾ドル以上お買い上げするとポスターを一枚プレゼント、月500枚まで、全9種類

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✨We will be releasing MIKU EXPO 5th Anniversary E.P. to celebrate this memorable year!! CD will be first became available at Taiwan Concert Venue, and later at Japanese music stores!!

Official CD jacket will be revealed later, so stay tuned!✨

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Finally finished! This is my entry for the For Fans By Fans contest. Now I need everyone to go rate it! If it wins, they'll make a shirt of it.


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Please vote for my design for a TShirt!

I wanted to celebrate all the places Miku has gone since first began. Seeing people with my design would be an honor!!

Please retweet!


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MIKU EXPO Digital Stars 2019 in Taiwan full lineup:
- DJ'TEKINA//SOMETHING a.k.a. Yuyoyuppe
- 雄之助 / Yunosuke
- ゼーノ♪ / Xenal
- 3R2
- 放歌小妹Erina
- DJ Jeff Hazama
Don't miss out on a very special show!!! See you at KLASH Taipei 💃


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My entry for the contest was approved! I'd be very happy if you'd support me :)

You can do that here: https://t.co/9HjhDjsYah

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The MIKU EXPO club event series is coming to Taiwan for the first time!
We are happy to announce that "HOBBY STOCK Presents: MIKU EXPO Digital Stars 2019" will be held as a pre-party for the in Taiwan live concert.

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遅くなったけど ルカさんおめでとう!(つw⊂)

そして 皆さん あけましておめでとう!

新年というと...Ordan様の2019mikuexpoデザインを思い出す⇒「じゃあ 2019miku expo のミクさんも描いて」と思う

HK 2019 miku expoが楽しみだね

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The webpage for in Taiwan ticket sales is now open, be sure to bookmark it!
(Ticket sales start Jan. 20th (Sun.) 12:00 noon (Taiwan time))

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Taiwan & Hong Kong will be joining the 2019 Taipei International Comics & Animation Festival from Jan. 19th - 23rd!! Check out the official event website for details.

Here is the link for the event map!

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「HATSUNE MIKU EXPO 2019 Taiwan & Hong Kong」開催決定🎉メインビジュアルはおるだんさんに手がけていただきました✨2019年はMIKU EXPO5周年、イベントロゴもリニューアル‼️

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Announcing Taiwan & Hong Kong! Check out the beautiful main visual by Ordan and the MIKU EXPO logo renewed for the event’s 5th anniversary!

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