It's honestly really cool having the whales in the story cause its nice to see a creature that is MASSIVE in size that isn't like a minigod or general threat lol. I do hope we get to see them awake, I bet they'd be fun to interact with :D

3 97

This device definitely has the ability to see through walls or something or maybe it can sense godly powers or something of the sort. I'm curious if its tied to the minigods or if its tied to magical powers. Still wondering about the nature of both...

2 80

Honestly, we don't really talk about this character development. Siren really went from being frozen when Skiff was being attacked to rushing in to not only save Pim and Pagoon, but also to fight a literal minigod for Neth and Kappa. This man's arc is subtle but great!

6 134

My question here is did this fossil belong to a minigod and if so, who or what killed it? And if not, how many fossils are lying around and what is the process to become a minigod? It's a little unclear how Ogo exactly became the way he was...

3 68

I think it's interesting that the corruption or power that the minigods have come from Labbu. It makes me wonder if Labbu itself was the first creature infected with this sort of disease, is some hybrid of creature and technology, or is not even really a creature itself?

1 48

This man cut a MINIGOD. He went from not being able to stand up against his mom, getting a slice of his own, to cutting the eye of an actual sea titan. THAT, my friends, is what I call an arc, I tell you!

4 102

I know I know, I should probably be posting about that cliffhanger and all the action but can we take a moment to talk about how Mono stopped in the middle of a fight with a LITERAL minigod to be like "Is that my son's boyfriend???"

16 124

The look of terror on Neth's's chilling. Knowing the sheer power of the minigods, especially this potential minigod that destroyed her people, I know I'm gonna be sobbing for the next few weeks 🥲

0 57

Well we already know that Kappa is not going to allow that to happen. If this condition on the minigods is from humans, it's ironic to think that the humans are inadvertently behind all of the issues in this series. Says a lot about humanity and our impact on the world

2 77

The minigods can be so scary sometimes, they almost remind me of celestials for any comic book nerds out there. The glowing red eyes, the giant presence, the almost ethereal quality to them, I hope we get to have a calm conversation with one soon!

1 59

I dreamed that Kappa became a minigod JANDSKASKA

104 1220

I'm excited to learn more about this mystery and prophecy tomorrow. Is this part of Ogo the part that makes it a minigod? Is it the part that keeps it alive, the source of power, or both? And all this to find a different minigod...this story is getting really interesting!

4 72

My interpretation is that their prophecy might actually be to destroy Ogo or return him back to the crab form he once was. Considering they seem to be scratching the drawing? Idk, I could be wrong but the minigods do seem to be quite the malevolent force

1 89

I can understand now why Neth and Mono were so depressed before Mucku helped to raise their spirits in hunting the minigods. They probably felt so guilty for the destruction of their people. I'd love a flashback of what life was like for them all before everything took place

1 42

I honestly feel so bad for Mucku, with no memories of her former self, all she's known is the life that Neth and Mono have made for her. Not chasing after this minigod, what is even her life? It'll be a great development for her character but a hard one for sure

2 69

Fecking Minigods amirite?!

I finally managed to squeeze in a image! Love the story and design behind this cursed civilisation in 's glorious creation Castle Swimmers.

17 209

My new oc so Trouble wouldn't be alone in minigods world

1 3

I mean, the obvious answer to this question seems like it would be Ogo. After all, nothing states that minigods can't have their own prophecies. With that being said, I am totally fine to be plot twisted by Wendy and am excited to see what the exact answer to this is

0 48

A lot of you guys think that a minigod that we don't know about did this to those poor creatures and I gotta wonder...are they more powerful than the turtle one? I mean, sure the turtle one destroyed the witches, but this seems just so much more cruel...they're very horrible

1 35