To all my moots that are Minyeondan, stay strong 🙏

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Flaunting my new merch. Who needs international shipping when we have ?
Joke lang... Half joke!

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saw this pic of the cast and had to draw it bc ✨wholesome✨

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Hôm nay bé Dơn chắc có gội đầu, thơm quá cho nên mấy chị cứ đè ra ngửi tóc 😂😂
Ship MinYeonEun rất thích điều này :)

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Minyeon couple 😂
Ai lầy bằng hai người :))))

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¡Gracias por pasaros al directo de panas de hoy! <33 me he puesto a dibujar a la personaje de Minyeon ¡Gracias por tu apoyo en twitch y tu prime! me has hecho de lo más feliz ya lo sabes >7<

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Mi oc Minyeol que hace mucho había hecho este dibujo pero no habia subido aquí porque soy irrelevante pero yeah
Sketch randoms y eso

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