A re-eally old drawing of Ishtar, a friend's character from even older fantasy setting of mine. Despite the age i still love it a lot.

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If you have a polytheistic religion, you always need a God of the Dead. Yarchak, at your service... In case you're dead and need a guide to the Dream, where dead souls go to sleep.

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Playing a D&D-like RPG with friends.

My character (Nisha) is a sentient centipede who loves heavy smoking, collecting socks and trading with everyone in sight.

...yeah, elven mages are a bit overrated choice (don't tell Dude, she's gonna kill me for saying that)

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Finally redesigned Dena (or Dehna, Dude can't decide for now), the kindest monster hunter from Dude's novel. I just tried to draw a simple sketch to lift up her spirit but something gone... incredibly right. We're in huge love with this piece.

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Remember Strider? Here's her gf, Perspective! Some humans would consider transforming into a dragon as a curse, but she's happy af about it. SHE'S A LITERAL DRAGON IS THERE A SINGLE REASON TO BE UNHAPPY?! Unless you're a tiny boring humy-human...

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This is Strider
Strider loves girls, grooming her tails, pacifism and opposing totalitarian government
The last two doesn't do that well together but hey, is there really any need to fight when your gf is an actual dragon?

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Designed high-tier armor for Agiren (you can remember him, the forcibly blinded magician). Friendly necromancer always glad to share some of their bone armor...

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Have you ever tried to design a dragon using sturgeon and those dorky Scandinavian dragons from drakkars? Because we did.

(btw numbers mean heignt & length, in meters obviously)

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Kinda random OC, a pureblood dragon who doomed to exctint due to the fact that her goddess is in way-too-many-thousand years coma.

Yeah, happy OCs isn't really our thing...

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People thought that blinding the magician skilled in illusion magic would've weakened him. The only thing they did is unleashed his imagination.
And it wasn't pretty.

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Another OC, Ragsana, a centaur from matriarchal country. Don't bother saying how beautiful she is - she knows! Or bother - aunt Ragsana loves a good compliment. The only thing she loves more that that is protecting yall from all that stupid shit life is throwing at ya!

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