Paradoxically people love to draw big titty hot girls but think that those big titty hot girls lack depth, or character and are shallow for being hotgirls in skimpy clothes! misogynists could never make me hate you two.

1 15

Pippi Longstocking said fuck cops, fuck modern beauty standards, fuck animal abusers, and fuck misogynists, and that's why she's a Based Queen

1 1

To all the racists, homophobes, and misogynists out there
And some of you out there ◉‿◉

3 23

She-Hulk! Been wanting to draw a Jen for a long time, only just now got around to it. Hopefully this'll bother some of the misogynists that hated the show, because the show was great.

2 6

Posting strong women to scare the Fire Emblem misogynists away

25 122

if u like babygirls misogynists and svt you should follow me i will be the best lesbian oomfie

10 16

Also very disheartening that I had to say out loud “sorry, wrong audience” to male fans complaining about feminism and “belittling men”.
I tried to be as polite as I could cos public and kids were around.
Misogynists are not the fans I care to share a fandom with.

2 15

Mao Mao characters that are 100% misogynists

14 130

there needs to be a study on media written by women for women in which most of the characters are male but there’s one of the few female characters that’s purposefully written to be a cocktail of characteristics of how misogynists see women (dumb, bitсhу, sIutty, lying, etc)

2 13

The amount of cope on display in this thread as people bend over backwards to rationalize why the "chuds" they insisted were misogynists have actually enjoyed female-lead action flicks this entire time.

It's ok to admit you assumed wrong.

49 598

Misogynists in a nutshell:

"Aww... "Eww...
so sweet" s3x offender

11 50

the absolute KING of misogynists literally tells ingrid to find a husband

32 174

The misogynists and bots proving me right

0 28

Every generation of sacred misogynists, without fail, will paint the women fighting for equal rights as sad, alone, compensating for their lack of “desirability”.

0 0

Missouri lawmakers are courting a law that would restrict abortions, even if they take place in another state

It looks as if Texas will be too busy holding Missouri’s beer to collect on any abortion bounties of their own

Fascist misogynists ALL!

56 80

everyone who thinks she’ll lose to coby are misogynists

14 38

me watching joss whedon's career crumble, knowing he's been a misogynist all along bc his ex-wife literally tried to warn us but y'all are also misogynists so you didn't believe her

1 6

Anyways Hi I'm Bart, a Transmasc lesbian and you should follow me! I post my art on here and I LOVE women (no i don't think mlm/nblm are misogynists !! this persons just vile)

3 8