Now that I've returned... Welcome Back to the TonCatSu Ramen Shop! (๑˘︶˘๑)♡

Look out for Future Haunts:

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Have you guys met my darling girls yet?~
Let Ghost Mama introduce you:
My playful Bnnuy child Loppy, and my devilishly sweet sheep Kiki. Well... Aren't you going to say hello?💕

🎨 Skeb: @/bukitikikaku

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After a trip exploring the depths of the shop, it's always best to return to best girl and snug!
I know I've been quiet this week. Now that I'm back, you'll welcome me with open arms too, right?
(.づ σ▿σ)づ.

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boo!!!!! did we scare you? 🍜👻🔔

I love hanging out with 💗

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BoOo! Heh Scared you didn't I? I TOLD you I'm the spoOoky kind of ghost! (๑ゝڡ◕๑)

🎨 @/tukushi27k

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Looks like there's plenty of left over ramen at the shop today, but that's all the better to practice with! I may be a more recent ghost, but I should be getting used to these more spoOoky abilities soon~


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Wahhhh~ I just had the best sleep and the sweetest dreams. How could I not when I have the cutest fox girls as my snuggle buddies? ღゝ◡╹ )ノ♡

🎨skeb @/srn_111

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