Day 26 I don't have any words for this other than to say, sorry for the nightmares.

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day 22 This is a little odd, but I like it for some reason. weird, fluffy, cute, creepy, monster... thing.

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day 21 I've never really made a space picture. Poor little shuttle pod might get eaten.

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Day 17 A different style to my other kaijunes, but when i think old monster, the classic Godzilla is right there, so here's an OLD Godzilla doing what old people do. only took 40 mins too.

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Day 14 i was thinking about sturdy and strong animals and kind of combined cows and elephants and buffalo. there's even a tiny farmer type person. although a herd would be scary.

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Day 13 There are so many weird and wonderful fungi out there that it was easy to draw inspiration from the real world. I referenced oyster mushrooms, inky cap mushrooms and devils fingers fungus. Google them, they're weird!.

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Day 1 using prompt list. strange creatures are a lot more fun/disturbing/interesting than mermaids.

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