JANUARY REVOLUTION, that fired up this February, maybe day or three ago, (depends if you're synced to Google calendar or Etherscan calendar).

It'll be a hot year, becuase Mlibty Shadows were born inert*!

*more explanation in the link below

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Have some NFT projects I started a few years ago but never fully finished.
MLIBTY Shadows & Portraits of the Shadows on are two of them.
Those projects are not abandoned, I'm just doing it slowly.
The freshly minted MLIBTY Shadows XXX:

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Wow, only 6 Shadow protagonists left from the first 20 tokenized on ETH, a year ago! 5 available still for old social token prices here:

Next 10 are on :

There will be 130 Mlibty protagonists one day...

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My first untitled NFT.
After quite some time, finished this more meditative work from MLIBTY Shadows series.
Full version on :

Location: Aribau 79, Barcelona.
With MLIBTY Shadows protagonist 4 (

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This MLIBTY Shadows piece is 100% backed by the paper.

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MLIBTY Shadows protagonist 8 is smelling the f... something, not knowing that it can be engaged at any moment in one of my new pieces:
P.S. it won't move it's bottom, if it's not for some Bloody Percent, but it's ready to share 99 %BPC for every future act

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The following MLIBTY Shadows will be protagonists of my next video loop, coming tomorrow on :
MLIBTY Shadows protagonist 1, 10, 16 & 20.
Congrats to & for the roles of their proteges, 99 %BPC will be sent to you upon tokenization.

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Once again, congrats to , this time for taking good care of MLIBTY Shadows protagonist 5, while MLIBTY Shadows protagonist 3 is still waiting for it's manager:

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Third stop for MLIBTY Shadows protagonists Social tour is at and following FIVE bloody shadows will sell their soulless digital manifestations only for $Whale, on .
They are all here:

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MLIBTY Shadows protagonist 1 is the first Shadows detected in a piece of Bloody Percent crumpled White Paper, randomly generated with my hands.

You can bribe him only with some $WGM, nothing else. Check him out here:

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MLIBTY Mushroom project 🍄 badge

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Shadow protagonist nr.19 finished in such good hands, that even MLIBTY Shadows protagonist 2 agree!
Ask him does he approve it and would he accept some $WGM?

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Check out all the Shadows protagonists available on the first Social tour '20 stop, at the $WGM :
Guardian of each shadow will receive 99 %BPC commission for its appearance in future MLIBTY Shadows pieces!

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MLIBTY Shadows protagonist 19 is ready to change it's Guardian, for reasonable $WGM costs (that's what the Shadow thinks), only on , at the following link:

All art and metadata on-chain, using &

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MLIBTY Shadows protagonists, Social tour 2020!
First stop TOMORROW: and his $WGM.
Guardian of each shadow will receive 99 %BPC commission for its appearance in at least one of my future MLIBTY Shadows artworks, at the moment of tokenization of such artwork.

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"Who Ate The Soul Cake?" by is an twist on the iconic MLIBTY Shadows series.

The Shadows represent people in general, but also beings behind curtains. A presence you can only detect at night!

Current bid of 2.5 ETH by :

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