C0mmi$$ion delivery time! Thanks as always for the continuous support.
He requested his characters Excelsior and Saber dressed as Eclair and Lumiere from Kiddy Grade~
Hi-res version on the Star site, check the bio ☣️

6 15

C0mmi$$ion delivery time! Thanks again to for the continuous biz. He got me to design another Gijinka version of a Star Fleet ship, this time it's the Saber Class. Really happy with this one ^^
High res and extra meaty alt at the Star site, check the bio ☣️

3 9

C0mmi$$ion repost! commissioned this Haruka that for some reason was yeeted from my posts. I do weekly media post cleanups for shitty memes and such, so I may have accidentally yeeted this one as well. Apologies for that 😑

6 22

C0mmi$$ion delivery time! Thanks DagobahResident for the business, getting comms for my babies always bring a smile to my face. We got Suika performing a task only she can perform among my babies, no hands, baby!
High res pic at the Star Site, check the bio☣️

11 37

C0mmi$$ion delivery time! Thanks for the business. Drawing this cute slime gal was really fun 😍
High res picture available at the star site ⭐️

11 19

C0mmi$$ion delivery time! Thanks for the biz as usual! Unfortunately for everyone else, this is the kinda stuff that's a bit out of place here, so I'm posting the full pack on the Star site, and the other one~

2 6

C0mmi$$ion delivery time! As usual, pretty grateful to my buddy for the continuous biz and patience. It was time for another iteration of Excelsior, drifting in a sea of space debris~
High res available at the Star site, check the pinned📌

5 6

C0mmi$$ion delivery time! Thanks for the biz! He requested Pepper and Paul as siblings, one brings the energy, the other not~
I haven't done antro in a while 😅
High res available on the Star site, check the pinned📌

3 5

C0mmi$$ion delivery time! Obviously, I can't give names this time, but to the client who thought of giving Gaia a sukumizu, thanks for the neuron activation!
Hi Res pic at the Star site, check the pinned 📌

9 27

C0mmi$$ion delivery time! PoV you're now Loremaster's new toy~
Hi Res pic at the Star site, check the pinned 📌

5 12

Another c0mmi55ion done for Pinkkittyrose by means if IgniteDreams, this time with the idea of a rough and though battle soldier so it could be used in DOOM-like game thumbnails on youtube.

Took 11 hours of production, thank you for your patronage!

11 34

C0mmi$$ion delivery time! A quicky one this time, for who wanted a new Avvy of his slimesona~
Hi Res pic at the Star site, check the pinned 📌

4 9

C0mmi$$ion delivery time! Thanks for the biz! I was tasked with designing a himbo character for future endeavors, ufufu~♫
His name is Janitor Jim
Hi Res pic at the Star site, check the pinned 📌

2 3

I't been a long time since MMI got cancelled and I've never shown the SC skins for the game publicly👹

14 66

Yes I am an artist. Sorry my c0mmi$sion$ are closed, though. Thank you for all the support and getting the daily goal through more Pokemanz!

5 29