思いがけず新しいwacom MobilestudioPro何とか(?)を試用してみた。当然だけどiPad Proと結構違うね。俺はiPad Pro派かなー

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Think I've pushed this as far as I can. Any further tweaks can be done while I work up the colour version :)

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B&W version complete :) I could spend more time on her but I can continue to tweak her as I work in the colours.

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Black and white version of my finished, now its on to colouring her in :)

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Gym Ready. Created in on the Follow on to see the painting in action. Plz RT!

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Breeze. Created in on the Follow on to see the painting in action. Plz RT!

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Gym Ready. Created in on the Follow on to see the painting in action. Plz RT!

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Gym Ready. Created in on the Follow on to see the painting in action. Plz RT!

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Think I've pushed this as far as I can, with the gray-scale version anyway. I spent some time experimenting with skin detail but there isn't much point continuing with it yet. Time to move forward and add colour and more details :)

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Think I've pushed this as far as I can, with the gray-scale version anyway. I spent some time experimenting with skin detail but there isn't much point continuing with it yet. Time to move forward and add colour and more details :)

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